Templates and Sample Papers
MS Word Templates:
The following templates are available for use with MS Office. With minor adjustment they should be usable with Libreoffice/OpenOffice.
LaTeX Templates:
In order to prepare a submission using LaTeX, please use the IEEEtran document class file in “conference” mode. The most up to date distribution of such class is available either from the IEEE or the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: The archive includes a README file and extensive documentation as well as a skeleton for the preparation of the conference paper (the bare_conf.tex file).
Additional information on the IEEEtran document class can be found at the author’s web page, together with answers to frequently asked questions.
Preparation of the bibliography in LaTeX
The IEEEtran archive above also contains a directory named “bibtex” with the IEEEtran.bst official BibTeX style for authors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions journals and conferences. It is meant to be used with the bibtex or pybtex programs. As for the LaTeX document class, there is a README file and extensive documentation.
Additional notes
  • It is convenient to use a modern LaTeX engine, such as pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex in order to directly obtain a PDF file out of the LaTeX sources. In case a legacy flow using dvi files is adopted, please assure that in the conversion to PDF all fonts are embedded.
  • Assure that either in the main text, in equations and in figures no bitmapped (Type 3) fonts are used. Bitmapped fonts may render poorly when viewed on screen.
    • For the main text and equations, recent versions of the IEEEtran class together with a modern LaTeX engine should take care of avoiding bitmap fonts automatically.
    • If bitmap fonts remain in use, you can try the advice in the IEEEtran FAQs on the author&’s web page. Alternatively, you can try using packages such as newtxmath (as in \usepackage[cmintegrals]{newtxmath}).
    • For the figures, you should use appropriate fonts with the programs used to prepare them.
  • You can check what fonts are actually used, which type they are and whether they are embedded from most PDF viewers. For instance, Acrobat Reader lists the fonts in the current document via File→Properties→Fonts
  • General information on LaTeX is available here
Using Adobe Distiller to generate a PDF file
In principle, there should be no need to use Acrobat Distiller: recent versions of Microsoft Office can directly save/export your files as PDF; Libreoffice and Openoffice have always been capable of exporting as PDF; modern LaTeX engines can deliver PDF directly. However, if you still prefer to use Distiller:
  • Download the PDF settings file to help you setup Adobe Distiller to produce a PDF file that meets IEEE Xplore requirements.
  • This zip file contains instructions on job option file usage as well as files for job option settings for Adobe Acrobat versions 5-XI.
Sample Papers:

If you are having trouble creating your paper, make sure to check the Author Help page.