Welcome to NAECON 2024 Final On-Line Submission
Final Submission Procedure:
  1. Read the Author Information page to ensure that your submission meets the guidelines.
  2. Prepare your submission in PDF format using our templates.
  3. MANDATORY: Make sure your PDF file meets IEEE Xplore compliance by following the instructions on the PDF Express page.
  4. Log in using the same username and password you created during your initial submission. You may then edit your submission information (paper title, author list, etc) and/or resubmit your paper.

  5. IEEE takes the protection of intellectual property seriously. Accordingly, all submissions will be screened for plagiarism. By submitting your work you agree to allow IEEE to screen your work.

    IEEE reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from distribution after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore) if the accepted paper is not presented at the conference.
Important Deadlines:
  • Decision notification: Jun 21, 2024 23:59 (UTC -0700)
  • Final submission & copyright filing deadline: Jul 31, 2024 23:59 (UTC -0700)
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