Digital Circuits - Tests and Verification Tools Session
Session Type: Lecture
Session Code: B1L-B
Location: B
Date & Time: Tuesday June 18, 2024 (09:15 - 10:00)
Chair: TBA


    Papers are listed in the order they will be presented.

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9076 3 Hardware Implementation of a Particle Filter for GNSS Interference Source Localization
Duc Dung Vu, Sanat K. Biswas, Alan Kan, Ediz Cetin
9083 7 DCIM Compiler - Physical Design Generator
Zhewei Jiang, Hungkei Chow, Dragan Samardzija
9100 8 Zero-Overhead Nonintrusive Test of mmW Integrated Circuits Based on Wafer-Level Parametric Tests
Olivier Occello, Marc Margalef-Rovira, Manuel J. Barragan, Cédric Durand, Ayman Rhellab, Loïc Vincent, Jordan Corsi, ...